

Efficient and effective health data warehousing and analysis require a common data model.

The OHDSI - OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of disparate observational databases and EMRs. The data from disparate systems needs to be extracted, transformed and loaded on to a CDM database. Once a database has been converted to the OMOP CDM, evidence can be generated using standardized analytics tools.

Each data source requires customized ETL tools for this conversion. :stars: Hephestus is a tool for this ETL process organized into modules to allow code reuse between various ETL tools for open-source EMR systems and data sources. :stars: Hephestus uses SqlAlchemy for database connection and automapping tables to classes and bonobo for managing ETL. Hephaestus also aims to support common machine learning workflows such as model building with Apache spark.

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